Henry HE

Python / iOS / Frontend / Backend

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About me


Henry He
A Front-end Developer, Good at making something funny with "tools".
In this summer (2019), I'm honored to be a FE-Intern of DiDi.
I understood the real process of development as a real FE Developer, and I experienced something beautiful with my group guys - Ray, Miao, Kim etc.
All of this from one point is that I love programming, I believe that I'm goona stand on the new point in the future.

Get in touch
  • Used Skills
  • iOS Applicaiton Dev
  • Python Web Dev
  • Nginx / Node
  • Prototyping
  • Web Crawler
  • Frontend Development
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • React / Vue / Webpack
  • Responsive Design
  • Git / SVN
  • Flutter
  • Team Building
  • Code Review</li>
  • Communication
  • Team working
  • Sharing
  • ...and more!


A selection of recent projects I've been working on:
Static-site, Blog, React, CSS Magic ...


Doc - My Blog

Click here

Baby Rudux

Click here

Front End Study

Click here

Get in touch